Uganda has a significant population of children, with a high proportion of its total population being under the age of 18. Here are some key demographic details:

Population: Uganda has a rapidly growing population, and it is estimated to be around 47 million people. The country has one of the youngest populations globally, with a large proportion being children and young adults.

Age Distribution: According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, over 50% of the population is below the age of 18. This indicates a substantial youth population and a high dependency ratio.

Birth Rate: Uganda has a relatively high birth rate compared to many other countries. In 2020, the total fertility rate in Uganda was estimated to be around 5.4 children per woman, which is above the global average.

Child Mortality: Uganda has made significant progress in reducing child mortality rates in recent years, but challenges remain. The under-five mortality rate in 2020 was estimated to be 43 deaths per 1,000 live births.

Education: Access to education is an ongoing challenge for many children in Uganda. While efforts have been made to improve enrollment rates and quality of education, there are still significant disparities, particularly in rural areas.

Child Labor: Child labor remains a concern in Uganda, with children engaged in various forms of work, often in hazardous conditions. Efforts are being made by the government and organizations to combat child labor and promote children’s rights.